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Property names of frequently used questions

Depending on the questions configured on a Wherewolf app and the operator’s needs, the payload for the guest update endpoint may contain extra properties.

The answers to the questions are stored in the waiver object, with property names that reflect the questions and can’t be known before the app is configured.

While many of the questions will have custom property names, there are some frequent questions that will use known property names.

When any of the following property names are included in the payload, the types and content are as follows:

Name Type Example Description
DOB String “1990-01-01” The date of birth of the guest
activities Array [“activity1”, “activity2”] The activities (codes) the guest is doing
email String “” The email address of the guest
emergencyName String “Emergency Contact” The name of the emergency contact
emergencyPhone String “123-123-123” The phone number of the emergency contact
emergencyRelationship String “Relation” The relationship of the emergency contact to the guest
experienceLevel String “Beginner” The experience level of the guest
gender String “Male” The guest gender
guardianName String “Guardian Name” The name of the guardian
height Decimal 180 The height of the guest expressed in cm
minor String empty, null, “true” or “false” If the guest is a minor
name String “John Doe” The full name of the guest
notes String “notes” Any notes about the guest
notesAbility String “notes” Any notes about the guest’s ability
notesEquipment String “notes” Any notes about the guest’s equipment
phoneNumber String “123-123-123” The phone number of the guest
site String “Down Town” The operator location when multiple are available
staff String “Staff Name” The staff member assigned to the guest
weight Decimal 80 The weight of the guest expressed in kg
weightEquipment Decimal 10 The weight of the equipment the guest is carrying
whatAgeRange String “18-25” Age range of checkin, in format “ - " or "+" e.g. '0 - 16', or '45+'
whereDidYouHearAboutUs String “Google” Where the guest heard about the operator

Request example containing some of the common properties:

This is an example, you may have another url structure

curl -X POST \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H 'API-key: 123-123-123-123' \ 
  -d '{
        "waiver": { 
            "id": "abcdefg-12:30-1234567890#1",
            "pool": "qwerty123",
            "name": "Jhon Smith",
            "email": "",
            "DOB": "1966-11-25",
            "activities": ["activity1", "activity2"],
            "weight": 80,
            "bookingId": "ABC123",
            "bookingGuestId": "G333",
            "lastVisit": "2018-01-27T11:27:00.000Z",
            "status": "Checked In",
            "updatedAt": "2018-01-27T11:21:33.444Z"